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Friday 13 September 2013

5 Ways to Tell You’re a Social Media Addict

The Internet is a huge component of our daily lives. Online technology and email are part and parcel of most jobs and nearly every person, place, and (sometimes) thing has its own website and/or social media profile. While some people don’t want to go anywhere near the Internet once five o’clock hits, there are others who make a mad dash for social media to talk about their daily doings.

First it was reality television that made everyday people celebrities. Now, social media allows everyday people to share (or overshare) the details of their lives with whomever has access to their various and sundry profiles and become a pseudo celebrity in their own digital realm. . While social media has allowed people to stay in contact with friends and family, or connect with others with common interests nearby or clear across the country, it’s also got its downside — namely, addiction to social media.

Where do the borders of “real life” begin and scampering through the digital fields of social media end? For some, social media is so closely intertwined with “real life” that it’s hard to distinguish it from their “real life.” Do you think you may be a social media addict? Do you wonder if maybe you should tweet Dr. Drew to see if he can help you? Here are five (tongue-in-cheek) ways to tell if you are a social media addict.

1. Rouse n’ Browse

Somewhere between your bunny slippers hitting the floor and brushing your teeth, you either fire up your laptop or use your mobile phone to browse through your Twitter feed, take a scroll through Facebook, or see what’s new on Tumblr or Pinterest. If accessing your social media profiles is the first thing on your mind each morning, you just might have a problem.

2. You Obsess Over Profile Pics

Picture it: You attend your best friend’s wedding and look pretty dang dapper in your tux or rather fetching in that magenta bridesmaid dress. As you’re lining up to take the obligatory wedding photos, you smile wide and think to yourself, “This is going to make an awesome profile pic!” (Bonus addiction points if you find yourself more anxious to see the proofs of your friends’ wedding than the happy couple themselves because you can’t wait to change your profile snapshot.)

3. Your Pet Has a Profile

Sure, we all love a good Grumpy Cat meme or Scotch-soaked post from caustic kitty Colonel Meow; however, not everyone has pets whose unique visages lend themselves to creating a personal profile on social media. Not every pet parent is that clever and (let’s face it), not everyone’s pet is that amusing. Projecting your own social media addiction on your pet and co-opting poor Petey the Parakeet to tweet about his #disappointing birdseed certainly doesn’t qualify as animal abuse, but it does indicate that you have some rather strong feelings about the importance of a social media profile for all living creatures.

4. Interrupting “Real Life” Activities to Post on Social Media

Instead of being fully engaged in a dinner with friends or rocking out at a great live concert, you take to social media to tell everyone what a blast you’re having instead of ACTUALLY having a blast and enjoying the moment.

5. You Experience Withdrawal When You’re At Work

If your workplace has restrictions on accessing to Facebook or YouTube (nooooo!) and a few hours away from social media finds you climbing the walls and shaking like a cold chihuahua, you probably have an addiction. While some co-workers may slip outside for a soothing cigarette, you sneak off to the company bathroom to check your profile and watch videos on your cell phone. Although nowhere near as harmful as a cigarette, the uncontrollable urge to fritter away time on social media is another type of addiction. Try using a YouTube downloader to save all the precious videos you just have to watch for a more appropriate time!

YTD Youtube Downloader believes everyone should have access to their favorite videos 24/7. With their free software, you can download videos from Youtube, Vimeo, and other video sites to watch when you don’t have internet access.


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